Wednesday, June 27, 2012

For they say every why hath a wherefore.

What I propose to do is by no means original.  There are already several blogs that discuss The Criterion Collection, including Criterion Confessions, Criterion Reflections, Criterion Affection and The Criterion Contraption.  So, if this is ground well-traveled, why bother?

I love films.  They engage me in a way no other art form can.  I want to have a dialogue with them, just as so many others comment on literary works, art, and popular media.  Do I necessarily add something to the discussion?  Just another voice.  Its worth is relative.  I see it as an exercise, a mental workout, and one whose routine I might actually keep up with.  It is pretty daunting.  There are a lot of films on the list, and more are added periodically.

If anything else, I think it will be fun.  Certainly there’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun.

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